The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering has grown for more than 50 years since 1963 when it was established under the name of 'Korea Metal Surface Association' led by scholars and industry in the field of surface engineering.

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“We are contributing to the development of surface engineering by integrating industry, academia, and research.”

The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering has grown for more than 50 years since 1963 when it was established under the name of 'Korea Metal Surface Association' led by scholars and industry in the field of surface engineering. Advanced machinery industries such as Germany, Japan, and the U.S. have become the center of industry-academic cooperation through active participation of industrial member companies, aiming to solve the problem of special surface treatment of alloys.

On average, more than 300 people participate in the annual spring and autumn academic conference, and more than 200 papers are published, and the number of papers published is increasing year by year. We are also developing various programs for the development of the surface engineering field and making steady efforts to create a place of harmony where all fields of industry, academia, and research can be harmonized and fused.

The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering Journal is the only journal in Korea that specializes in surface treatment technology and is published in a systematic division between wet and dry surface treatment through the operation of the Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering. In particular, industry-linked papers in the field of surface treatment have a significant proportion, which is used as a place for technology exchange within the Korean surface treatment industry. In addition, as the nation's most prestigious academic journal in the field of surface treatment, which is one of the pillars of fundamental technology, Japan has contributed greatly to the spread of basic technology. It is issued six times a year on the last day of even numbers. It has been registered with KCI since 2005, and has been published by Open Access journal since 2018, and is sent to members of the Korea Surface Engineering Association by e-mail on the last day of even number, and provides free of charge to non-members such as well as the National Library and KCI. The latest technology trends will be subdivided into eight technical subcommittees, including seminars and workshops, which will establish a global technological location in the field of surface treatment.

Executives of KSSSE

2022 - 2023 Executives of KSSSE

Position Classification Name Affiliation E-mail
President President Sungmo Moon Korea Institute of Materials Science sungmo@kims.re.kr
Auditor Auditor Sangsub Kim Inha University sangsub@inha.ac.kr
Jongkook Kim Korea Institute of Materials Science kjongk@kims.re.kr
Vice President Editing Jinsub Choi Inha University jinsub@inha.ac.kr
General Janghee Yoon Korea Basic Science Institute jhyoon@kbsi.re.kr
Scholar Sungjong Kim Mokpo National Maritime University ksj@mmu.ac.kr
Byungchan Han Yonsei University bchan@yonsei.ac.kr
International cooperation Geunyong Yeom Sungkyunkwan University gyyeom@skku.edu
Bongyoung Yoo Hanyang University byyoo@hanyang.ac.kr
Technical Donghyun Kim MSC kaneta0929@naver.com
Kyongil Moon Korea Institute of Industrial Technology kimoon@kitech.re.kr
Business Honyun Lee Korea Institute of Industrial Technology hnlee@kitech.re.kr
Dongho Kim Korea Institute of Materials Science dhkim2@kims.re.kr
Central Committee JunHyun Han Chungnam National University jhhan@cnu.ac.kr
South Committee Youngwoo Heo Kyungpook National University ywheo@knu.ac.kr
Director Finance Kiyoung Lee Inha University kiyoung@inha.ac.kr
Editing Soyeon Kim Korea Institute of Materials Science kimso1965@kims.re.kr
Jiwon Kim Institute for Advanced Engineering jkim@iae.re.kr
Haehee Kim Wonkwang University taehee928@wku.ac.kr
Yoonchae Na Korea University of Technology & Education ycnah@koreatech.ac.kr
Minhyuk Park Seoul National University minhyuk.park@snu.ac.kr
Jeonghyeon Yang Gyeongsang National University jh.yagi@gnu.ac.kr
Hyeonseok Yoo POSCO hsyoo1124@posco.com
Seogjoon Yoon Yeungnam University yoon@yu.ac.kr
Seungjun Lee Kunsan National University sjlee@kunsan.ac.kr
Goohwan Jeong Kangwon National University ghjeong@kangwon.ac.kr
Yonghoon Jeong KBIO yonghoonj186@kbio.kr
Seunghoe Choi Korea Institute of Materials Science schoe@kims.re.kr
Sanghyun Hong LG Electronics sanghyun.hong@lge.com
Scholar Joonhee Kang Pusan National University j.kang@kier.re.kr
Taejoo Park Hanyang University tjp@hanyang.ac.kr
Minho Seo Pukyong National University foifrit@pknu.ac.kr
Sekwon Oh Korea Institute of Industrial Technology sk0514@kitech.re.kr
Seunghyo Lee Korea maritime & ocean University lsh@kmou.ac.kr
Jungwoo Lee Pusan National University jungwoolee@pusan.ac.kr
Junghoon Lee Pukyung National University jlee1@pknu.ac.kr
Jihoon Lee Korea Institute of Materials Science jhlee@kims.re.kr
Hyojong Lee Dong-A University hyojong@dau.ac.kr
Heejin Jang Chosun University heejin@chosun.ac.kr
HyungKoun Jo Sungkyunkwan University chohk@skku.edu
Jeonghwan Han Seoul National University of Science and Technology jhan@seoultech.ac.kr
International cooperation Ahram Kwon Korea Institute of Industrial Technology arkwon@kitech.re.kr
Doohun Kim Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute kdh0121@keri.re.kr
Hanki Kim Sungkyunkwan University hankikim@skku.edu
Oi Lun Helena Pusan National University helenali@pusan.ac.kr
Jonghan Won Korea Basic Science Institute jhwon@kbsi.re.kr
Yongsup Yun Korea maritime & ocean University ysyun@kmou.ac.kr
Seungbok Lee Korea Institute of Energy Research sblee@kier.re.kr
Junseob Lee Changwon National University junseoblee@changwon.ac.kr
Jaehong Lim Gachon University limjh@gachon.ac.kr
Youngjun Jang Korea Institute of Materials Science yjjang@kims.re.kr
Chanyoung Jeong Dongeui University cjeong@deu.ac.kr
Jaehyung Cho Korea Institute of Materials Science jhcho@kims.re.kr
Nguyen Van phuong MSC nvphuong@mschemical.co.kr
Technical Jungwoo Go Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute jwgo@etri.re.kr
Dogeun Kim Korea Institute of Materials Science dogeunkim@kims.re.kr
Hojun Kim Gachon University hojun_kim@naver.com
Youngseo Park Gyeonggi University of Science and Technology yspark@gtec.ac.kr
Jun-Woo Park Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute parkjw@keri.re.kr
Chanwoo Yang Korea Institute of Industrial Technology chanu@kitech.re.kr
Minhyung Lee Korea Institute of Industrial Technology minhyung@kitech.re.kr 
Seunghun Lee Korea Institute of Materials Science seunghun@kims.re.kr
Dongchan Im Korea Institute of Materials Science dclim@kims.re.kr
Sungyong Chun Mokpo National University sychun@mokpo.ac.kr
Dooho Choi Dongeui University dhchoi@deu.ac.kr
SungMook Choi Korea Institute of Materials Science seunghun@kims.re.kr
Myungsoo Huh Samsung Display huh1003@samsung.com
Business Sehun Kwon Pusan National University sehun@pusan.ac.kr
Myungjong Kim Gachon University myung@kist.re.kr
Byungsu Kim Hyundai Motor Company kimbs0512@hyundai.com
Sungwoo Kim Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute kimsw@kaeri.re.kr
Sungjin Kim Sunchon National University sjkim@scnu.ac.kr
Hyunjong Kim Korea Institute of Industrial Technology hjkim23@kitech.re.kr
Youngtai Noh Korea Conformity Laboratories tainohstar@naver.com
Seungwan Seo KBIO Health seungwan@kbiohealth.kr
Jooyul Lee Korea Institute of Materials Science leeact@kims.re.kr
Hyuntaek Lim Korea Automotive Technology Institute htlim@katech.re.kr
Hyunsung Jung Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology hsjung@kicet.re.kr
Yoonchul Ha Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute ycha@keri.re.kr
Research & Industry Cooperation Yongho Kang Incheon Chemical robokang@inchem.co.kr
Iljung Kang Korea Surface Treatment Cooperative handogum@hanmail.net
Minki Kwon Chosun University mkkwon@chosun.ac.kr
Rikyung Kim COTEC yamaha_lee@naver.com
Sungnam Kim Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology loverist@rist.re.kr
Youngmi Kim TTS ym-kim@ttsc.co.kr
Woonik Park Pukyung National University thane0428@pknu.ac.kr
Eunsoo Park EML eloiml.kores@gmail.com
Nakwon Seo Plating Journal odokum@sfnews.co.kr
Seongyo Seo SBP Surtech ym-kim@ttsc.co.kr
Jonghyun Seo Korea Aerospace University jhseo@kau.ac.kr
Changdeok Seo POINTEC seocd@pointec.co.kr
Injoon Son Kyungpook National University ijson@knu.ac.kr
Jaeseok Song Surface treatment world press114@hanmail.net
Seungho Ahn Hyundai Motor Company scoupeman@hyundai.com
Chanwon An WoolimTECH acw5177@hanmail.net
Byungchul yang DAEDONG Metal FINISIN CO., LTD bcyang@daedongmetal.com
Wonseok Yang Hyundai Steel wsyang@hyundai-steel.com
Sangin Eom Gwangju University sieom@gwangju.ac.kr
Minseok Oh Jeonbuk National University misoh@jbmu.ac.kr
Jihoon Woo Samil Metal Ind Co., LTD samil0580@hanmail.net
Seongho Woo Jisang Electric Co., LTD jsec0030@jisangelc.co.kr
Sangwon Eun Korea Polytechnics matesw@kopo.ac.kr
Daewon Lee YuLIm TNC dwlee@nate.com
Sangoh Lee Korea Surface Treatment Cooperative handogum@hanmail.net
Yeongmin Lee ShinPoong Metal ymym@spmco.co.kr
Yunju Lee SHPAC yunju.lee@shpac.com
Jaeyeong Lee GIST jaeyoung@gist.ac.kr
Hyoil Lee 유일써핀 st0273@hanmail.net
Sedo Jang Hangaram Chemistry Co., LTD rudy@lmtech.co.kr
Hyunjun Chon KEMP Co. kempkorea@naver.com
Kyunghoon Jung AL Omega omgsystem@naver.com
Bomook Jeong YKT chung@ymtechnology.com
Woonseok Jung Hojin Platech Co., LTD wsjung@hojinplatech.com
Yongjin Cho Woojin Co. cjojo@hanmail.net
Sung Chul CHA HYUNDAI KEFICO sungchul.cha@hyundai-kefico.com
Deokgon Han MK Chem & Tech Co., LTD dghan@mkche.co.kr
Sangtae Han Sanghyun Metal
Jaeho Han ECTECH ectech5@korea.com
Seokpyo Hong BSC sphong3217@gmail.net
Vice President Industry Hyukseok Kwon MK Chem & Tech Co., LTD hskwon@mkchem.co.kr
Seokkyung Kim Thermotec sk-kim@furnacekorea.com
Seungwon Kim Korea Surface Materials Association kobosco9@naver.com
Sangjo Na Dongjin Metal Co., LTD sjna4411@paran,com
Pyungjae Park Korea Surface Treatment Cooperative syd5904@hanmail.net
Haedeok Park JioDECO haedpak@hanmail.net
Myeongjik Bae Kiyang Metal Co., LTD bmj0707@hanmail.net
Taeil Beak Jesagi hankook LTD tib@jesagi.com
Pilsoo Seol Ansan Banwol Plating Association plus2250@hanmail.net
Changwon Sung Kowel Co., LTD sung@kowel.co.kr
Sangyeol Woo Jisang Electric Co., LTD jsec@jisangelc.co.kr
Heesung Yun Sungwon Forming yun7@swf.co.kr
Gyeyoung Lee Inha AMT kcl3757@naver.com
Dukhaeng Lee Hojin Platech Co., LTD dhlee@hojinplatech.com
Samyeon Lee WoolimTECH
Ohsun Lee Dong-a plating
Myeonggyu Lim Samil plating samil0580@hanmail.net
Gwanseop Jang YKMC CO., LTD ykmc1@naver.com
Yoonseok Seo Plating Journal odokum@hanmail.net
Youngha Jeon JnL tech junoha@yahoo.com
Kwangmi Jung Daedo Metal my@sjcollectionkorea.com
Kihoon Jung AL Omega omgsystem@naver.com
Joowon Choi COTEC jwchoi@cotec.co.kr
Seoljun Han Koreanonferrous koreaplating@hanmail.net

President Emeritus

  • 1st. (1963-1971)故 염희택

    • Seoul National University
  • 2nd&4th (1972 / 1974-1976)故 조종수

  • 3rd (1973)故 김종건

    • Seoul National University
  • 5th (1977-1978)故 이종남

    • Korea University
  • 6th (1979-1982)여운관

    • Hongik University
  • 7th (1983-1984)故 문인형

    • Hanyang University
  • 8th (1985-1989)故 이주성

    • Hanyang University
  • 9th (1990-1991)백영현

    • Korea University
  • 10th (1992-1997)강성군

    • Hanyang University
  • 11th (1998-1999)박광자

    • Korean Agengy for Technology and Standards
  • 12th (2000-2001)백영남

    • Kyunghee University
  • 13th (2002-2003)권식철

    • Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
  • 14th (2004-2005)이정중

    • Seoul National University
  • 15th (2006-2007)한전건

    • Sungkyunkwan University
  • 16th (2008)이홍로

    • Chungnam National University
  • 17th (2009)김광호

    • Pusan National University
  • 18th (2010)이수완

    • Sunmoon University
  • 19th (2011)정용수

    • Korea Institute of Materials Science
  • 20th (2012-2013)이명훈

    • Korea Maritime & Ocean University
  • 21th (2014-2015)이홍기

    • Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 22th (2016-2017)최한철

    • Chosun University
  • 23th (2018-2019)주정훈

    • Kunsan National University
  • 24th (2020-2021)송풍근

    • Pusan National University

History of the KSSSE

  • 2010s
  • 2000s
  • 1990s
  • 1980s
  • 1970s
  • 1960s


  • Feb

    2010 South Korea Surface Engineering Association 1st Southern Branch Workshop (Pusan University National Core Research Center)


  • Oct

    1st International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Coating (Incheon Best Western Premier Songdo Park Hotel) / decided to be hosted by this society every 2 years

  • Nov

    Abolition → Amendment of articles of incorporation under the two-year term system


  • Oct

    2nd ISTC International Symposium Held (Seoul Education and Culture Center)


  • Nov 18-21

    50th Anniversary Ceremony of Surface Engineering Society of Korea and International Academic Conference of The First International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE 2013) (Grand Hotel in Haeundae, Busan)


  • Jul 20-24

    Korea Surface Engineering Society - Korea Plating Industry Cooperative, Overseas Workshop (Danang, Vietnam)


  • Jul 20-23

    Korea Surface Engineering Society - Korea Plating Industry Cooperative, Overseas Workshop (Cheongdo, China)

  • Nov 21-25

    STMT 2017 International Symposium and Autumn Academic Conference Held

  • Dec 12-13 2017

    Workshop on the Establishment of Surface Treatment Technology Terminology and Holding of Surface Engineering Chairman's Cup Golf Tournament


  • Sep 10-19

    Participating in the 15th INTERFINISH convention and exhibition hosted by the International Federation of Surface Technology (IUSF) and visiting high-tech industries in Germany.


  • Nov 5

    The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Surface and Autumn Academic Presentation Meeting (Busan University Sang-nam International Hall)

  • Dec

    Evaluation of the journal of the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and the first class of the journal registered in the journal of the Korean Society of Surface Engineering


  • Jun 16-19

    Held jointly with the 17th International Federation of Surface Technology (IUSF) (Busan Grand Hotel)


  • May

    Selection of board members or organizational meetings of the Central Branch of the Korea Surface Engineering Association (Chubu Branch Chairman: Kim Sun-hee; Vice Branch Chairman: Im Tae-hong)


  • Jan 30

    1st General Board Meeting Held in 1990

    ① Resolution to rent No. 308 of Science and Technology Center located 635-4 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu

    ② Decided to change the name from Korea Metal Surface Engineering Association to Korea Surface Engineering Association (the 27th regular general meeting)

  • Mar 31

    Journal of Surface Science & Engineering, Vol. 23, Issue 1

  • Oct 20-21

    Hosted by the Korea Society of Surface Engineering and the Japan Society of Surface Engineering, the first Korea-Japan Dry Process Workshop was held. Hanyang University Gymnasium Seminar Room


  • Aug 9-10

    1st Vacuum Thin Film Technical Training Session Held / Conference Room of Korea Federation of Science and Technology Organizations


  • Mar 25

    The first editorial meeting was held. The paper will be published six times a year and twice a year.


  • Oct 27-30

    Asian Finish '98 held at Seoul Olympic Parktel.


  • Aug 26

    Seminar on plating technology held at Korea General Exhibition Hall


  • May 14

    Former Chairman Lee Jung-nam's keynote speech at the 1st Asian Metal Surface Treatment Forum


  • Jun 30

    1st Korea-Japan Surface Technology Seminar Held at National Park Laboratory


  • Jun 3

    Seven members, including keynote speeches and research presentations, announced at the 2nd Asia Metal Surface Treatment Forum.

  • Oct 14-18

    1985 The Korea Science and Technology Council held a metal surface treatment workshop at the Korea Machinery Research Institute.(Sponsored by this society)


  • May 3

    The 3rd Asian Metal Surface Treatment Forum (held in 1989) was held in Seoul.

  • Nov 15

    The chairman of the Hong Kong Society of Metal Surface Treatment visited Korea.


  • Feb 29

    Approval of the Metal Surface Engineering Association of Korea (Director-General of the Industrial Promotion Agency) and its articles of incorporation.

  • Mar 24

    Registration of the Korean Metal Surface Engineering Association.

  • Oct 13

    The 2nd Korea-Japan Surface Treatment Technology Seminar of the National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology.


  • Jan 14

    The first general board meeting was held.


  • Mar 20

    Membership of the Korea Federation of Science and Technology Organizations

  • May 10

    "Metal Surface Technology" Renamed "Metal Surface Treatment" Volume 4 Published


  • Nov 11

    The regular general meeting of the 10th session was held at the Korea Electric Power Center and elected Chairman Kim Jong-gon, Vice Chairman Kim Jong-chan and Lee Gye-yeol.

    The Association of Metal Surface Engineering in Korea and the Association of Plating Technology in Korea have been integrated and renamed the Association of Metal Surface Engineering in Korea.


  • Nov 17

    After five meetings, seven founding members of the Korea Metal Surface Technology Association held a general meeting and elected Dr. Yeom Hee-taek as the first chairman.


  • Feb-Oct

    Chairman Yeon Hee-taek traveled around Seoul, Daejeon, Busan, and Gwangju and visited plating factories to conduct fact-finding surveys and recruit members.

  • Nov

    The second regular general meeting was held, and lawmaker Yeom Hee-taek was elected chairman.


  • Mar

    Four plating engineers were dispatched to the OTCA through Jeon Ki-won a director stationed in Japan to train for six months


  • Nov 25

    The 1st issue of "Metal Surface Technology" (first issue) is published.

    The fifth session of the regular general meeting was held at the National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology and was elected chairman Yeom Hee-taek, vice chairman Lee Sung-hee, and Lim Young-chul.


  • Sep 12

    A lecture on surface treatment will be held at the National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology.

Contact Us

  • Address : Rm 1203&1204, 311, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06151, Korea

  • FAX : 02) 558 – 2230


Technical Committee

Subdivision affiliation Chair
Anodization subcommittee Korea Institute of Materials Science Sungmo moon
Inha University Jinsub choi
Semiconducting process and thin film subcommittee Pusan National University Pungkeun Song
Practical electroplating subcommittee Korea Institute of Materials Science Kyuhwan Lee
Hanyang University Bongyoung Yoo
Atomic Layer Etching Daejeon University Kyongnam Kim
Atomic layer deposition subcommittee Pusan National University Sehun Kwon
Hanyang University Taejoo Park
Corrosion and protection subcommittee Mokpo National Maritime University Sungjong Kim
Surface analysis subcommittee Korea Basic Science Institute Janghee Yoon
Biomaterials subcommittee OSONG Medical Innovation Foundation Yonghoon Jeong

Editing Committee

Editor in Chief

Name Position affiliation
Jinsub Choi Prof. Inha University

Editorial Committee

Name Position affiliation
Soyeon Kim Ph. D. Korea Institute of Materials Science
Jiwon Kim Ph. D. Institute for Advanced Engineering
Taehee Kim Prof. Wonkwang University
Yoonchae Na Prof. Korea University of Technology and Education
Minhyuk Park Prof. Seoul National University
Jeonghyeon Yang Prof. Gyeongsang National University
Hyeonseok Yoo Ph. D. POSCO
Seogjoon Yoon Prof. Yeungnam University
Kiyoung Lee Prof. Inha University
Seungjun Lee Prof. Kunsan National University
Junghoon Lee Prof. Pukyong National University
Goohwan Jeong Prof. Kangwon National University
Yonghoon Jeong Ph. D. KBIO
Seunghoe Choi Ph. D. Korea Institute of Materials Science
Sanghyun Hong Ph. D. LG Electronics


Academic awards
  • All academic awards are given to all members of The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering
  • The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering Award, Surface Engineering Technology Award, Achievement Award, and the Young Surface Engineer Award can be selected through the recommendation system.
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering Award

As a member of the Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering, he participated in various activities of the Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering, including publishing academic conference, publishing papers, workshops, symposiums, and committee activities.

Academy Award for Surface Engineering

The committee will present excellent papers or write excellent books for several years, and select and award members who are recognized to have contributed greatly to the development of surface engineering.

Paper Award for Surface Engineering

After reviewing the papers published in the journal of the Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering for the past year, the authors of the papers that are recognized as the most academically excellent were selected and awarded.

Surface Engineering Technology Award

Select and award members or companies that have made outstanding contributions to the development or improvement of surface engineering technology.

Achievement award

The award is given to members who have contributed greatly to the development of the Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering, and is selected from members who have been in the society for more than 10 years as regular members or representatives of special members.

Young Surface Engineer Award

Selected and awarded members under 40 who are recognized for their contribution to the development or improvement of surface engineering technology by publishing excellent papers or writing excellent books.

About Membership

Individual member

Classification Regular Member Lifetime Member Student Member
Admission Fee 20,000 won 20,000 won 20,000 won
Annual Fee 100,000 won 500,000 won 60,000 won
Preferential details Once you pay the lifetime membership fee, you will be granted the lifetime membership.
Membership Benefits
  • Searchable Society Publications
  • Participation in academic conferences and various projects of the Society
  • Emailing service of conference news and event information
Subscription information
  • If you wish to register as a member, please click the membership registration button and fill in the contents. After the administrator approves the registration, the membership number will be given.
  • If the membership is approved by the board of directors of the society and you pay the prescribed annual fee and subscription fee, you will become a member.

Domestic & International Conference

Spring Meeting 2023
  • Dates : May 17-19 2023
  • Venue : Sono-bell Jeju, Jeju-do, Korea
Fall meeting 2023
  • Dates : Nov 19-24 2023
  • Venue : BPEX(Busan Port International Exhibition & Convention Center), Busan, Korea

Journal of Surface Science & Engineering

최진섭   인하대학교   jinsub@inha.ac.kr

1. 습식표면처리기술 (양극산화, 도금)
Wet surface treatment technology (anodization, electroplating)
2. 건식표면처리기술 (반도체 박막, ALD 포함 CVD, PVD),
Dry surface treatment technology (semiconductor thin film, ALD, CVD, PVD)
3. 표면분석 기술
Surface analysis technology
4. 방식 기술 및 그밖의 표면처리기술
Anti-corrosion technology and other surface treatment technology
5. 기능성 코팅기술 (고분자, 유무기 복합 코팅)
Functional coating technology (organic-inorganic composite coating)
6. 바이오소재 표면 처리기술
Biomaterials surface treatment technology
7. 에너지 소재 표면 기술
Energy material surface treatment technology

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