Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (36권2호 128-134)

High Temperature Oxidation of Ti-43%Al-2%W-0.1%Si Alloys

Ti-43%Al-2%W-0.1%Si 합금의 고온산화


성균관대학교 금속재료공학부;


Alloys of Ti-43%Al-2%W-0.1%Si were oxidized isothermally and cyclically between $900^{circ}C$ and$ 1050^{circ}C$, and their oxidation characteristics were studied. During isothermal tests, the alloys oxidized slowly up to 100$0^{circ}C$, but fast at $1050^{circ}C$. Though the scale adherence was not good above $900^{circ}C$, the alloys displayed better oxidation behavior than unalloyed TiAl alloys. The oxide scales consisted primarily of an outer $TiO_2$ layer, intermediate $Al_2$$O_3$-rich layer, and an inner mixed layer of (TiO$_2$ $+Al_2$$O_3$). Tungsten was present mainly at the lower part of the oxide scale, while Si over the whole oxide scale.


Titanium aluminide;Tungsten;Silicon;High-temperature oxidation;