Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (32권6호 658-664)

Characterization of a Helicon Plasma Source

헬리콘 플라즈마원의 특성


단국대학교 응용물리학과;두원공과대학 전자공학과;


Helicon sources are attractive for plasma processing because they provide high plasma density in low magnetic fields. Helicon waves were excited by a Nagoya type III antenna in a magnetized plasma column. Plasma parameters were measured with a double probe, and the structure and adsorption of the helicon wave fields were determined with the probes. Argon is fed through a MFC (mass flow controller) for operation pressure of 10~110 mtorr. A 13.56 MHz r.f. power of 50~450 W is induced through the antenna. The plasma density and electron temperature are measured as functions of external magnetic field, r.f. power and pressure. The plasma density as functions of r.f. power and magnetic field at a constant pressure increased linearly, and the electron temperature did not change largely with various operation parameters and the value was around 5~7 eV.
