Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (32권4호 555-560)

Edge overcoating and buildup of continuously hot-dip metallized strip

연속 용융도금 강판의 에지 과도금 및 빌드업


포항제철(주) 기술연구소 광양압연연구그룹;


Gas wiping of continuously hot-dip galvanized coating on steel strip has generated edge overcoating and noise problems. The overcoating of zinc in the edge zone from edge to 50mm inside of the strip along its width was measured and analyzed. The overcoating is thought to occur due to the reduced impinging pressure of wiping gas onto the strip edges by the boundary effect and it can decrease by 50% or more by applying edge baffles when the baffle-to-strip distance is maintained to 20mm or less. The overcoating was compared with edgedrop of the cold-rolled steel substrate. Edge buildup mostly at the edge area 10 to be 20mm from the edge results in if the edgedrop is not sufficient enough to compensate for the overcoating to be flat on the edgedrop or/and if the overcoating is not small enough to the given edgedrop. Edge baffles can reduce effectively this type of edge buildup.
