Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (31권6호 334-344)

Studies on the formation of CrN surface layer by chromizing and plasma nitriding

Chromizing과 이온 질화에 의한 CrNvyaus층 형성에 관한연구

Park, H. J.;Lee, S. Y.;Yang, S. C.;Lee, S. Y.;Kim, S. S.;Han, J. G.;

한국항공대학교 항공재료공학과 재정공정연구실;(주)삼화합금사;한국기계연구원;성균관대학교 금속공학 플라즈마 응용재료연구실;
Department of Materials Engineering, Materials Processing Laboratory, Hankuk Aviation University;Samhwa Brazing Alloy Co., LTD.;Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials;Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Plasma Applied Materials Laboratory, SungKyunKwan University;


Yew coating pmccss t.o form a surface layer ol CrN phasc on mild steel (A81 1020!, AlSI Hi3, 1Cr-0.5Mo steel (ASTM A213 and Nickrl-base superalloy (Inconel 718) was developed. Surlaces of various alloys t,n.ateii by chromizing for the formation ol Cr diffusion layer was subsequently trcaled by plasma nitriding in order t.o form the hard CrS coating layer on the surfaces. This duplex plasma surface tri-atments of chromizing and plasma nitriding have induced a lormation of a duplex-lrcated surfacr hyer of approximat~ls 70-80 $mu extrm{m}$thickncss with a iargcly improved microiiardnrss up to approxiniateW 1500Hv(50gf). The main cause for the lage improvment in the surface hardncss is altribilted to [.he fact that CrN and $Fe_xN$ phases are created successfully by ccliromizins and plasma nilriding treatment. High tenipera1,urc wear resislance of the duplex-treated mild steel and HI3 steels at $600^{circ}C$ was examined. Comparing the duplex-treated specimens with the specimens treated only by chromizing, the rcsults shovmi that, thc wear volume of the duplex-treated mild skcl and 1113 stcel aSt.er a wear test, at $600^{circ}C$ were reduced hy a Iactor of 8 and 3, respectively. Characteristics of the CrS phase by duplrx treatment were compared with $CrN_x$,/TEX> film by ion plating and the wear behaviors of CrN film lormed by two different nroccsses arc nea.riy identical.
