Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (31권5호 245-250)

Devised New Amorphous Alloys for Magneetoelastic Resonators

Magneetoelastic Resonators에 사용되는 새로운 비정질 함금

김창경;유충근; R.C. O`Handley;
C. K. Kim; C. K. Yoo; R.C. O`Handley;

한양대학교 재료공학부;M.I.T. 재료공학과;


There is clear pressing need to reduce bias field(Ha,) used on linear magenetomechanical resonator tag by at least a factor of two to allow low-bias operation near the frequency minimum since reducing Ha causes a dramatic increase in well depth, which implies increased stability. However, this makes it more difficult to maintain tight frequncy specs. It can be solved by a reduction of magnetomechanical coupling(k). We determined from an equivalent circuit model that optimal reduced, k, is near 0.3 Also, We determiend the material properties($lambda_s$, :saturated magenetostriction, $M_s$, and,$H_a$) that give k=0.3. From these evaluations, we suggested that on optimal comosition with adequate mathrial properties is $Fe_{55}Co_{15}Cr_6Nb_2B_{18}Si_4$.
