Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (31권3호 171-176)

Effects of Oxygen Partial Pressure on ITO Thin Films PrePared by Reactive dc Magenetron Sputtering

반응성 dc 미그네트론 스퍼링법으로 제조된 IPO박막에 미치는 산소분압의 영향


무기화학과, 국립기술품질원 , 경기도 과천시 427-010;전자과, 두원공과대학 경기도 안성시 456-890;


Transparent conducting ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) thin films were prepared on soda lime glass by reactive dc magnetron sputtering mothod. The maaterial properties were measured by the X-ray diffraction meter (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) scanning. As a resuIts, the (400) park for $O_2 gas rate 2% grows uniquely as the preferred orientaon. However, the (400) peak exists at $O_2 gas rate 5% as well as the (222) peak appears abruptly as the main orietation. Both <100> and <111> grain alignments are consisted simultaneously in the XRE pattern of ITO thin films. The electrical charcteristics were esimated by the electrical resistivity, optical transmission, and Hall mobillty, ect. The resistivity of ITO thin film deposited at 4cm from the substrate center is increased from $2 imes10^-4$ to $8 imes10^-4Omega$cm as a function of $O_2$ gas pressure (0~5%). The optical transmission curves with a rising of $O_2$ gas rate become shifted into longer wavelength range.
