Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (31권1호 24-33)

Effcets od pH and supporting salts on electrogalvanized coaying in sulfate bath

황산욕에서 아연의 피막특성에 미치는 pH 및 지지염의 영향


포항종합제철(주)기술연구소 광양압연구팀;


Effects of pH and supporting salts on the characteristics of electrogalvanzied coating in sulfate bath are investigated. The fine grain size is obtained and the whiteness with the amount of supporting salts or pH increased at more than current density of 100A/$dm^2$, With supporting salts increased, the electro-conductivity of the bulk solution increases and the cell voltage decreases, while the width of the cathode burned edge gets wider because it seems that the increased overpotential the vicinity of cathode causes the decreases, of limiting current density. When the amount of supporting salts or pH of sulfate bath decreases, the zinc crystals have preferred orientation (001) planes. However when the amount of supporting salts or pH increase, the crystal texture has less (001) planes and gets to have random crystal planes.
