Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (30권2호 93-103)

A strudyon the improvement of the oxidation resistance for high temperature materials by coating process

코팅에 의한 고온재료의 내산화성 향상을 위한 연구


한국원자력안전기술원;충남대학교 재료공학과;


High temperature materials used in the elevated temperature and corrosive atmosphere must have the good oxidation resistance and preserve their own mechanical properties simultaneously. For the oxidation resistance, it is very important to form a protective oxide scale such as $Al_2O_3$ or $Cr_2O_3$ on the substrate. However, the additions of protective oxide forming elements such as Cr and Al in the alloy to enhance its oxidation resistance are limited due to the deleterious effects on their mechanical properties. PECVD(P1asma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) coating processes were employed to improve the oxidation resistance at high temperature. Cr and/or A1 were coated on the substrates of Ni and Inconel 600 at various temperatures of 400, 500, $600^{circ}C$ and at different conditions of specimen surfaces. Then, coated specimens were exposed to isothermal and cyclic oxidation conditions in air at 1000 and $1100^{circ}C$. In order to enhance the adhesion between the substrate and coated layer, heat treatments of the coated specimens were conducted in a vacuum. At isothermal oxidation experiments, Al-coated Ni specimen showed better oxidation resistance than pure Ni. At cyclic oxidation experiments at $1000^{circ}C$. Cr and Al-coated specimen showed better oxidation resistance. Cr-coated Inconel 600 had also showed better oxidation resistance due to Cr in the substrate. By PECVD coating process, oxidation resistance could be improved, but it was not improved as expected due to the weakness of the adhesion between the substrate and the coated layer.
