Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (29권5호 459-466)


Taga, Yasunori;

TOYOTA Central Research and Development Laboratories.;


A great amount of effort has been devoted to the constant improvement of such basic performance as dirvability, safety and enviromental protection. As a result, the total combination of various technologies has made it possible to produce safer and more comfortable automobiles. Among these technologies, plasma and thin film techniques are mainly cocerned with sensors, optics, electronics and surface modification. This paper first describes a concept of thin film processing in materials synthesis for sensors based on particle-surface interaction during deposition to provide a long life sensor applicable to sutomobiles. Some examples of parctical application of thin films to sensors are then given. These include(1) a thin films strain gauge for gravity sensors, (2) a giant magneto resistance film for speen sensors, and (3) a Magneto-impedance sensors fordetection of low magnetic field. Further progress of sophisticated thin film technology must be considered in detail to explore advanced thin film materials science and to ensure the field reliability of future sensor devices for automobile.
