Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (27권6호 347-358)

Estimation of Durability of corrugated Steel Pipes Made of Hot-Dip Galvanized Sheet Steels

용융아연 도금강판으로 제조된 파형강관의 내구수명예측


포항종합제철주식회사 기술연구소 광양연구팀;


Estimation of durability for corrugated steel pipe(CSP) has been evaluated by using several analytical methods. This study, using a plain hot-dip galvanized CSP as the base line, addresses additional coatings such as polymers sand bituminous coatings that may be used to achieve a desired design life of at least 50years. The behavior of both the soil side and the effluent side of the pipe have been studied. It is estimated that CSP generally provides outstanding dura-bility with regard to soil side effects, and that virtually any required service life can be attained by selecting appropri-ate coatingss and/or thickness of steel substrate. This study is limited to storm drainage systemss carrying naturally oc-curring surface water only. The recommendation in this report do not apply to sanitary or industrial waste sewers or other conduits used to carry corrosive effluents.
