Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (27권1호 45-53)

A Kinetic Study on the Electrodeposition of Zn-Fe Alloys

아연-철 합금도금에 관한 속도론적 연구


고려대학교 금속공학과;


A kinetic study on the electrodeposition of zinc-iron alloys onto a steel in chloride solutions has been car-ried out using a rotating disc geometry. The results show that the deposition rate was increased with electropotential, disc rotation speed and temperature, and consequently the rate was partly controlled by elec-trochemical reaction and partly by mass transport. The iron content of deposit was more increased with cell voltage than with disc rotating speed and temperature. During electrodeposition process, the addition of metal-lic zinc powder retards oxidation rate of $Fe^{2+}$.
