Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (23권2호 18-23)

Preparation of SnO$_2$ Thin Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Hydrolysis of SnCla$_4$ and Gas-sensing Characterisics of the Film -Effect of Deposition Variables on the Deposition Behavior and the Electrical Resistivity of SnO$_2$ Thin Film-

SnCl$_4$가수분해 반응의 화학증착법에 의한 SnO$_2$박막의 제조 및 가스센서 특징(I) Preparation of SnO2 Thin Films by chemical Vapor Deposition Using Hydrolysis of SnCl4 and gas-sensing characteristics of the Film


부산대학교 무기재료공학과;


Thin films of tin oxide were prepared by chemical vapor deposition (C.V>D) using the hydrolysis reaction of SnCl4, Deposition rate increased with the increase of temperature up to $500^{circ}C$and then decreased at $700^{circ}C$, Deposition rate with SnCl4 partial pressure showed RidealEley behavir. It was found that SnO2 thin film deposited at the temperature above $400^{circ}C$ had(110) and (301) plane preferred orientation with crystallinity of rutite structure. Electrical resisvity of SnO2 thin film decreased with increase increase of deposition temperature and showed minimum value of 10-3 ohm at $500^{circ}C$and than largely increased increased with further increase of deposition temperture.
