Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (22권4호 197-206)

The Change of Composition and the Throwing Power of Pb-Sn Alloy Electrodeposits in Pulse Plating

파형전류전해에 의한 Pb-Sn합금의 조성변화 및 균일전착력


영남대학교 금속공학과;


The Composition and throwing power-of Pb-Sn alloy deposits are investigated in tems of the pulse parameters in pulse plating. Microhardness and intermal srress of alloy deposots are measured. The current efficiency of pulse plating is lower than that of D.C.plating while cathode overpotential and macro-throwing power noticebly increase with increasing peak current density. The Pb content of P.C. plated alloy deposits with increasing average current density, is relatively lower than of D.C. plated deposits at the same average current density. The internal stress of Pb-Sn alloy is not detected and the microhardness are 9.0kg/mm2 and 11kg/mm2 for D.C. plated P.C. plated deposits, respectively.
