한국표면공학회지 (22권2호 69-77)
A Study on the Mechanism for the Formation of Partices in electroless Ni Composite Coating(I)
무전해 Ni 복합도금 과정에서 분발의 공석 기구에 대한 연구(I)
Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, Hanyanng, University Seoul. 133-791;
Codeposion of inert particles particles in a metallic mateix by electroless plating process involves two phenomena. Firstly, the adsorption of inercles and secondly, the adsorption of inert particles on the cathode. In the present paper the first adsorption phenomenon and in the next paper the second ane are studied in greaterdetail for the Ni-SiCc, Ni-Al2AO3 and Ni-WC systems. Measurements of the Zeta potentials for the SiC and Al2AO3 particles have been in different electrolyte solutions and the ionic species adsorbed on the Particles studied. The addition of sodium acetate, trisodium citrate and sodium phosphinate to nikel sulface sruomotes the zeta potential of SiC and Al2O3 particles, but zeta phosphinate to nickel is more positive than Al2O3 particles although the amount of nickel ion adsorbrd on the Al2O3 particles become greater than that of SiC particles. It is suggested that this is due to adsortion of Na ion onto the surface SiC particles.