한국표면공학회지 (22권1호 26-42)
Effect of Spraying Conditions in Flame Spraying of Ni-Cr Base Self Fluxing Alloy on Mild Steel
가스용사에 의한 Ni-Cr 기 자용성합금 용사 의 특성에 미치는 용사조건의 영향
경북대학교 공학대학 금속공학과;
It has between investigated that the optimum spaying conditions, such as, spraying distance, fusing temperature and fusing time, ect, in a Ni-cr base self fluxing alloy sprayed on the mild steel substrate by oxygen-acetylenc flame spraying. Sprayed specimens on various conditions were fuused in a vacuum furnace and the results were as follows. The optimum spraying condition for excellent coating layer are obtained under spraying distances, fusing temperature and fusing and time ; 180~240mm,1050~110