Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (56권1호 1-11)

Recent applications of lubricant-impregnated nanoporous surface : A Review

윤활액이 담지된 나노다공성 표면의 최신 응용분야

한경완, 배기창,이정훈*
Kyeongwan Han, Kichang Bae, Junghoon Lee *

부경대학교 금속공학과
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Republic of Korea

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5695/JSSE.2023.56.1.1


Lubricant-impregnated nanoporous surfaces (LIS), which is created by impregnating water-immiscible oil into nanoporous surface structure, have been explored considering wide range of application fields. Due to the lubricant impregnated in nanoporous structure, the surface shows extreme de-wetting with a high mobility of water droplets, so that various functionalities can be realized. The lubricant layer inhibits the contact of corrosive media to porous structure as well as metal substrate, thus the surface improves the corrosion resistance. The water on the surface freeze without any contact to solid porous structure, showing a low ice adhesion for de-icing an anti-icing. The extremely high mobility of water droplets on lubricant-impregnated porous surfaces also contributes the enhancement of condensation heat transfer as well as water harvesting from fog and moisture. Moreover, the bacteria adhesion on metal surface forming biofilms causing serious hygiene issues can be inhibited on the lubricantimpregnated surfaces. Despite of such superior functionalities, the lubricant-impregnated porous surface has a limitation of lubricant depletion by external flow of fluids. Therefore, extensive efforts to improve the durability of lubricant-impregnated surface are required for practical applications.


Lubricant-impregnated surface; Functional surface; De-wetting; Hydrophobic; Porous structure.