한국표면공학회지 (53권6호 285-292)
Sterilization of Bacteria and Fungi in Cultural Heritages using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet System
대기압 플라즈마 제트 시스템을 이용한 문화재 내 세균류 및 진균류의 살균
Jo, Sung-Il;Park, Dong-Min;Lee, Byeong Hoon;So, Myoung-Gi;Ha, Suk-Jin;Jeong, Goo-Hwan;
강원대학교 대학원 신소재공학과;강원대학교 대학원 생물공학과;강원도문화재연구소;
Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Kangwon National University;Department of Bioengineering and Technology, Graduate School of Kangwon National University;Kangwon Research Institute of Cultural Heritage;
Ancient cultural heritage made up of wood and organic fibers have been easily disintegrated or decomposed by various microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Here, we demonstrate the effectiveness of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) system to sterilize the microorganisms in tangible cultural heritage. We collected several specimens from the surface of ancient documents and wooden artifacts. Finally, two bacteria and two fungi were prepared and sterilized using the APPJ treatment. The APPJ system is beneficial to its simple apparatus, quick operation time, and cost-effectiveness. Bacteria were almost sterilized within only 1 min treatment using 15 % O2 and applied bias voltage of 100 V. In case of the fungi, sterilization rate reached over 83 % but difficult to reach over 90 % even 10 min treatment. According to the plasma diagnostics using optical emission spectroscopy, it was found that the reactive oxygen species such as OH groups are critical for sterilization of microorganisms. Although further efforts should be performed, we believe that efficient sterilization could be realized by the simple, quick, and portable APPJ treatment system.
Ancient cultural heritage;Sterilization;Atmospheric pressure plasma jet;Optical emission spectroscopy;Reactive oxygen species;