Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (49권6호 486-489)

Formation of One-dimensional Nb2O5 Nanostructures by Anodization

Lee, Kiyoung;

School of Nano & Materials Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University;

DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2016.49.6.486


In the present work, we investigate the anodization of Nb in a $K_2HPO_4$ containing glycerol electrolyte at elevated temperatures ($180^{circ}C$). Under optimized conditions, uniformly over the entire anodized surface, self-organized porous $Nb_2O_5$ structures can be formed. The growth rate of highly ordered $Nb_2O_5$ is $1.7{mu}m/min$ at beginning stage of anodization and the overall current efficiency is 70 %.


$Nb_2O_5$;Self-organization;Porous Structure;Anodization;