한국표면공학회지 (49권2호 111-118)
Non-destructive Analysis of Nano-sized Crack Morphology of Electro-deposit by Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering
소각중성자 산란법을 이용한 도금층의 극미세 균열 형상의 비파괴적 분석
Choi, Yong;Shin, Eun Joo;Hahn, Young Soo;Seung, Baik Seok;
단국대학교 신소재공학과;한국원자력연구원 하나로팀;
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Dankook University;HANARO, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute;
A method to quantitatively analyze the defects formed by the hydrogen evolution during electroplating was suggested based on the theoretical approach of the small angle neutron scattering technique. In case of trivalent chrome layers, an isolated defect size due to the hydrogen evolution was about 40 nm. Direct and pulse plating conditions gave the average defect size of about 4.9 and
Electroplating;Trivalent chrome;Small angle neutron scattering;Defects;Non-destructive analysis method;