Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (47권4호 204-209)

Effects of Growth Temperature and Time on Properties of ZnO Nanostructures Grown by Electrodeposition Method

Electrodeposition에 의해 성장온도와 시간을 달리하여 성장한 ZnO 나노구조의 특성

Park, Youngbin;Nam, Giwoong;Park, Seonhee;Moon, Jiyun;Kim, Dongwan;Kang, Hae Ri;Kim, Haeun;Lee, Wookbin;Leem, Jae-Young;

인제대학교 나노공학부;
Department of Nano Engineering, Inje University;

DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2014.47.4.204


The electrodeposition of ZnO nanorods was performed on ITO glass. The optimization of two process parameters (solution temperature and growth time) has been studied in order to control the orientation, morphology, density, and growth rate of ZnO nanorods. The structural and optical properties of ZnO nanorods were systematically investigated by using field-emission scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometer, and photoluminescence. Commonly, the results of the structural property show that hexagonal ZnO nanorods with wurtzite crystal structures have a c-axis orientation, and higher intensity for the ZnO (002) diffraction peaks. Furthermore, the nanorods length increased with increasing both the solution temperature and the growth time. The results of the optical property show a strong UV (3.28 eV) peaks and a weak visible (1.9~2.4 eV) bands, the intensity of UV peaks was increased with increasing both the solution temperature and the growth time. Especially, the UV peak for growth of nanorods at $75^{circ}C$ blue-shift than different temperatures.


Zinc oxide;Nanostructure;Electrodepositon;Photoluminescence;X-ray diffraction;