Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (47권1호 7-12)

The Effect of Hydrogen in the Nuclear Fuel Cladding on the Oxidation under High Temperature and High Pressure Steam

고압 수증기하 산화에서 핵연료 피복관내 수소효과 연구

Jung, Yunmock;Jeong, Seonggi;Park, Kwangheon;Noh, Seonho;

경희대학교 원자력공학과;한국전력기술 원자로계통설계그룹;
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyunghee University;KEPCO E&C, Nuclear System Department;

DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2014.47.1.007


The characteristics of oxidation for the Zry-4 was measured in the $800^{circ}C$ and high steam pressure (50 bar, 75 bar, 100 bar) conditions, using an apparatus for high pressure steam oxidation. The effect of accelerated oxidation by high-pressure steam was increased more than 60% in hydrogen-charged cladding than normal cladding. This difference between hydrogen charged claddings and normal claddings tends to be larger as the higher pressure. The accelerated oxidation effect of hydrogen charging cladding is regarded as the hydrogen on the metal layer affects the formation of the protective oxide layer. The creation of the sound monoclinic phase in Zry-4 oxidation influences reinforcement of corrosion-resistance of the oxide layer. The oxidation is estimated to be accelerated due to the creation of equiaxial type oxide film with lower corrosion resistance than that of columnar type oxide film. When tetragonal oxide film transformed into the monoclinic oxide film, surface energy of the new monoclinic phase reduced by hydrogen in the metal layer.


Oxidation;High steam pressure;Hydrogen effect;Phase transform;