Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (45권3호 136-141)

Composition Analysis and Thermodynamic Care for Replication of Ancient Metallic Type

고대 금속활자의 복제를 위한 성분분석과 열역학적 주의 점

Kim, Ki-Ho;

충북대학교 신소재공학과;
Department of New Materials Eng., Chungbuk National University;

DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2012.45.3.136


`Jikjisimcheyocheal (Jikji afterwards)` is known as a first book printed by the metal type in the world. The metal type used for printing this book has not been found yet. To help for replicating the original metal type, it is required to investigate the composition analysis of the copied metal type. In this study, the composition analysis and thermodynamic care for replicating of ancient metal type was performed on the basis of an analytical reports concerned with the ancient metal type which made after Jikji printing. Metal types were made by remelting and casting of the mother alloy which came from a cast of a mixed metals in accordance with the composition revealed in the literatures. Change of composition during remelting of mother alloy and casting of metal was detected by the EDS analysis. The reasons for variation in composition were discussed by metallurgical and thermodynamic point of view, and a mixing ratio of metals to get the original composition of ancient metal type is suggested. Some attention should be paid on mixing, melting and casting of metals to get an objected composition for copy of ancient metal type.


Jikjisimcheyocheal;Metal type;Composition;Replication;Remelting;Casting;Metallurgical and thermodynamic base;Mixing ratio;