Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (45권1호 31-36)

The Characteristics of the Chungja Celadon the Amount of BaTio3

BaTio3 조성비 변화에 따른 청자소지물질의 특성

Yun, Mi-Young;Kim, Yeon-Jung;Ja, Lim-Hun;

단국대학교 자연과학대학 응용물리학과;단국대학교 조형예술대학 도예과;
Department of Applied Physics, Dankook University;Department of Creamic Art, Dankook University;

DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2012.45.1.031


In order to improve the mechanical roperties of the Gangjin celadon $BaTiO_3$ was added into the raw materials of celadon matrix. Through SEM and XRD analysis the structural changes were observed and the hardness values were measured. We could confirm that the mechanical strength considerably increased in the $BaTiO_3$ added celadon through the measurement of hardness values. The increase of mechanical strength values in the celadon may result from the compositional change in the microstructure such as grain boundary area through EDAX analysis. We might suggest a fundamental idea to improve the mechanical intensity of the celadon.


Celadon;Chungja;Batio3;Rockwell hardness;Hardness;