Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (13권1호 3-7)

Effects of Organic Additives in Cyanide Zinc Electroplating Bath(Part 3)

시안화아연 도금욕에 있어서 유기화합물 첨가제의 영향( 제 3 보)

Lee, Ju-Seong;;

한양대 공대 공업화학과;한양대 공대 공업화학과 대학원;


The crystalline structure and leveling action on the deposit of zinc from the cyanide zinc electroplating bath containing organic additives, such as aldehydes, polymers, amines and condensed product, have been studied by microscope and X-ray diffraction methods. The crystalline structure of the deposit from the bath containing no-additive, polymers and aldehydes appeared very strong orientation on (101) plane and the surface was rough, while from condensed product having remarkable effects in brightness appeared very strong orientation on (110) and the crystallinity was very fine. In the leveling action, the effect of any additives except reaction product was not appreciable, whereas the effect of the reaction product obtained remarkably excellent result.
