Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (43권5호 238-242)

Syntheses and Mechanical Properties of Quaternary Cr-Si-O-N Coatings by Hybrid Coating System

하이브리드 코팅시스템에 의한 Cr-Si-O-N 코팅막 합성 및 기계적 성질

Lee, Jeong-Doo;Wang, Qi Min;Kim, Kwang-Ho;

부산대학교 재료공학과;부산대학교 하이브리드 소재 솔루션 국가핵심연구센터;
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University;National Core Research Center for Hybrid Materials Solution, Busan National University;

DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2010.43.5.238


In the present work, the influence of oxide on the Cr-Si-N coatings was investigated for the Cr-Si-O-N coatings on AISI 304 and Si wafer deposited by hybrid system, which combines the DC magnetron sputtering technique and arc ion plating (AIP) using Cr and Si target in an $Ar/N_2/O_2$ gaseous mixture. As the O content in the Cr-Si-N coatings increased, the diffraction patterns of the Cr-Si-O-N coatings showed CrN and $Cr_2O_3$ phases. However, as the O content increased to 28.8 at.%, diffraction peak of $Cr_2O_3$ was disappeared in the Cr-Si-O-N coating. The $d_{200}$ value was decreased with increasing of O content. The average grain size increased from about 40 nm to 65 nm as the O content increased. The maximum micro-hardness of the Cr-Si-O-N coating was obtained 4507 Hk at the O content of 24.8 at.%. The average friction coefficient of the Cr-Si-O-N coatings was gradually decreased by increasing the O content and the average friction coefficient decreased from 0.37 to 0.25 by increasing the O content. These results indicated that amorphous phase was increased in the Cr-Si-O-N coatings by increasing of O content.


Influence of oxide;Cr-Si-O-N;Hybrid system;Micro-hardness;$Cr_2O_3$;Average friction coefficient;Amorphous;