한국표면공학회지 (42권5호 191-196)
Effect of Cu2+ Concentration and Additives on Properties of Electrodeposited Cu Thin Films for FCCL from Sulfate Baths
황산염용액으로부터 전기도금 된 FCCL용 Cu 필름의 특성에 미치는 Cu 이온농도 및 첨가제의 영향
Shin, Dong-Yul;Park, Doek-Yong;Koo, Bon-Keup;
한밭대학교 신소재공학부;
Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Hanbat National University;
DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2009.42.5.191
Nanocrystalline Cu thin films were electrodeposited from sulfate baths and investigated systematically the influences of $Cu^{2+}$ concentration and additives on current efficiency, residual stress, surface morphology, and XRD patterns of electrodeposited Cu film. Current efficiency was nearly 100% at from 0.2M to 1.0 M $Cu^{2+}$ concentration. but it was linearly increased with $Cu^{2+}$ concentration at less than 0.2M. The residual stress was observed in range of 7.9 to 18.4 MPa and tensile stress mode. Dendritic and powdered form was obtained at below 0.1 M. As increased with $Cu^{2+}$ concentration in solution, the main peak in the XRD pattern shifted (111) and (220) from (200). In the other hand, all about 100% current efficiency observed in all additive concentration systems, and residual stress observed in range of 20.4 to 26.3 MPa tensile stress. The condition 5(Ultra make-up - 10 ml/l, Ulta A - 0.5ml/l, Ultr B - 0.5 ml/l) was good surface morphology, and fcc(111) peak in XRD patterns increased with increasing additive concentration.
FCCL;Electrodeposite;Sulfate bath;Current efficiency;Residual stress;Surface morphology;