Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (42권4호 186-189)

The Effect of Reducing Agent on the Production of Niobium Powder by Metallothermic Reduction

금속열환원법에 의한 니오븀 분말제조시 환원제의 영향

Hwang, Sun-Ho;Yoon, Jae-Sik;Kim, Byung-Il;

순천대학교 재료금속 공학과;한국기초과학지원연구원 순천센터;
Sunchon National University;Korea Basic Science Institute Suncheon Center;

DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2009.42.4.186


In this study, niobium powder was made from potassium heptafluoroniobite($K_2NbF_7$) using sodium(Na) as a reductant and KCl, KF as a diluent based on the hunter metallothermic reduction method. The excesses of reductant were varied from 0%, 3%, 5% and 7%. When 7% excess of sodium was used, the un-reacted sodium remained in the reacted product. The niobium powder has been achieved by reducing 50 g of $K_2NbF_7$ with 5% sodium excess in a charge at a reduction temperature of $850^{circ}C$. The proportion of fine fraction decreased appreciably and the yield of niobium powder improved from 65% to 85% with the increase of sodium excess. The average particle size of niobium powder is improved from 0.2 microns to 0.3 microns in the 5% excess sodium.


Niobium powder;Sodium;Potassium heptafluoroniobite;Metallothermic reduction method;