한국표면공학회지 (42권2호 95-101)
Thermal Emissivity Changes as a Function of Degree of Flakes Alignment on the Graphite Surface
흑연표면의 열방사율 측정시 결정립 배향성의 영향
Roh, Jae-Seung;Ahn, Jai-Sang;Kim, Beom-Jun;Jeon, Ho-Yeon;Seo, Seung-Kuk;Kim, Suk-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Woo;
금오공과대학교 신소재시스템공학부;
School of Advanced Materials and System Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology;
This study is the research on the thermal emissivity depending on the bulk graphite`s alignment degree. Bulk graphites were manufactured by uni-axial pressing and subsequent heat treatment of natural graphite flakes with organic binder. The samples were prepared to be
Emissivity;Bulk graphite;Alignment degree;