Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (40권5호 234-240)

Development of Chemical Decontamination Process of Stainless Steel for Reactor Coolant Pump

원자로 냉각재 펌프용 스테인리스강에 대한 화학적 제염 공정 개발

Kim, Seong-Jong;Han, Min-Su;Kim, Jeong-Il;Kim, Ki-Joon;

Faculty of Marine Engineering, Mokpo Maritime University;Faculty of Marine Engineering, Korea Maritime University;

DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2007.40.5.234


As a reactor coolant pump (RCP) is operated in the nuclear power system for a long time, so its surface is continuously contaminated by radioactive scales. In order to maintain for RCP internals, a special chemical decontamination process should be used to reduce the radiation from the RCP surface. In this study, applicable possibility in chemical decontamination for RCP was investigated for the various stainless steels. The stainless steel (STS) 304 showed the best electrochemical properties for corrosion resistance and the lowest weight loss ratio in chemical decontamination process model 3-1 than other materials. However, the pitting corrosion was generated in both STS 415 and STS 431 with the increasing numbers of cycle. The intergranular corrosion in STS 415 was sporadically observed. The sizes of their pitting corrosion were also increased with increasing cycle numbers.


Reactor coolant pump;Chemical decontamination process;Pitting corrosion;Intergranular corrosion;