Effects of Scratching on the Surface of Protein Chip Plates
단백질 칩 기판의 표면 스크래칭 효과
Hyun, June-Won;Hwang, Jeong-Il;
단국대학교 자연과학부 응용물리학;
Applied Physics, College of Natural Science, Dankook University;
DOI : 10.5695/JKISE.2007.40.2.098
[ $NiCl_2$ ] and poly-L-lysine coated protein chip plates have been fabricated using a spin coating system. Water has been used as solvent and scratching effects on glass slides and ITO have been investigated. We also observed the surface properties of $NiCl_2$ and poly-L-lysine coated slides by using PSA(Particle size analyzer) and AFM(Atomic force microscope). The AFM results imply that the surface patterns created in the spin coating system determine the protein adsorption. Adsorption of histidine-tagged KRS proteins immobilized on glass slides and ITO was analyzed using a BAS image system. The results suggest that the scratching effect was increased ability of protein adsorption.