한국표면공학회지 (39권5호 235-239)
The Formation of Nitride and Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Al Alloy by Nitrogen Implantation
Al합금에서 질소이온주입에 의한 질화물 형성과 기계적 특성 향상
Jeong, Jae-Pil;Lee, Jae-Sang;Kim, Kye-Ryung;Choi, Byung-Ho;
UST 가속기 및 빔 나노공학과;한국원자력연구소 양성자기반공학 기술개발사업단;
University of Science and Technology, Accelerator and Beam Nano Engineering;Proton Engineering Frontier Project, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute;
The aluminum nitride(AlN) layer on Al7075 substrate has been formed through nitrogen ion implantation process. The implantation process was performed under the conditions : 100 keV energy, total ion dose up to
Al7075;Ion implantation;AlN;Friction;Hardness;Surface modification;