Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (37권5호 273-278)

The Improvement of Compressive Residual Stress by Warm Shot Peening

온간 쇼트피닝에 의한 압축잔류응력의 변화

Lee Seung-Ho;Shim Dong-Suk;Kim Gi-Jeon;

경기공업대학 정밀계측과;대원강업(주) 기술연구소;


The requirements of getting spring steel with higher fatigue strength have been increased to achieve the weight reduction of a vehicle. As the possible increment in fatigue strength by using the conventional shot peening treatment is found to be limited, it is necessary to modify the shot peening treatment. In this study, to investigate the effects of warm shot peening on increasing fatigue strength, tests are conducted on spring steel SAE9524. By the results of rotating bending fatigue tests, the fatigue strength increases up to 23.8% in warm shot peening specimens at $200^{circ}C$ compared with conventional shot peening. The major reason why the warm shot peening is effective to the improvement of fatigue strength is the increment of the compressive residual stress, which can be effectively formed by shot peening under the condition of warm temperature than room temperature.


Warm Shot Peening;Compressive Residual Stress;Spring Steel;Fatigue Strength;Fatigue Life;