한국표면공학회지 (11권3호 3-9)
Effect of Organic Additives in Cyanide Zinc Electroplating Bath (I)
시안化亞鉛沿浴中에 있어서의 有機化合物添加劑의 影響(弟一報)
Lee, Ju-Seong;Park, Jung-Il;
漢陽大 工大 工業化學科;
Organic compounds, such as aldehydes, amines, amides, sulfur compounds of polymers, have been added to cyanide Zinc electroplating bath to achieve in improvement of the brightness and of the current efficiency. It was found that the addition of only one compound o these organic compounds in the bath were unsuitable to be used for brightener, but mixure of aldehyde and reaction products obtained from epoxides and amines and/or amides were suitable for brightener in cyanide zinc electroprating baths.