Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (36권6호 475-479)

The Improvement of Fatigue Properties by 2-step Shot Peening

2단쇼트피닝에 의한 피로특성의 향상


경기공업대학 정밀계측과;


In this study, to investigate the effects of 2-step shot peening at the surface of spring steel, tests are conducted on spring steel and shot peened specimens. Various tests are accomplished to evaluate mechanical properties influenced by shot peening process, and fatigue tests are also performed to evaluate the improvement of fatigue strength. And then the residual stresses are examined. The mechanical properties of material did not change so much by shot peening. However, the fatigue strength of notched specimen remarkably increased. In the case of 1-step shot peening, fatigue strength increased by about 20% than unpeened specimen. Especially, in the case of 2-step shot peening, fatigue strength increased by about 40%, because the residual compressive stress at surface was higher than that of 1-step shot peened specimen. The fatigue strength and life are closely related to the value and position of maximum compressive residual stress by shot peening.


Surface treatment;2-step shot peening;Compressive residual stress;Hardness;Fatigue strength;Fatigue life;