한국표면공학회지 (36권3호 251-255)
Characteristics of Zr-base Passivation Layers of Tinplate
전기주석도금강판의 Zr계 화학처리 피막 특성
Bae D.C.;Kim T.Y.;Cho K.;
포스코 기술연구소 박판연구그룹;부산대학교 금속공학과;
Sheet Products & Process Research Group, Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO;Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Pusan National University;
With increasing environmental demands in surface treatment of steel sheets, the passivation layers containing hexavalent chromium
Cr-free passivation;zirconate;ammonium zirconium carbonate(AZC);sodium lexafluorozirconate (SFZ);cathodic dichromate(CDC);tinplate;