Korean Institute of Surface Engineering

pISSN : 1225-8024 | eISSN : 3399-8403


한국표면공학회지 (36권2호 194-199)

A Study on the Manufacture of the Cu Powder from Electrochemical Recovery of Waste Rinse Water at the Cu Electroplating Process

동 도금 수세 폐수로부터 구리 분말 제조에 관한 연구




Polarization measurements were peformed to investigate the electrochemical behavior of copper ions and limiting current density in waste rinse water from copper electroplating processes. A newly designed cyclone type electrolyzer was tested to recover the copper powder. Synthetic solutions were prepared using analytical grade $CuSO_4$ to the desired waste water concentration and pH was adjusted with $H_2$$SO_4$. Electrowinning was peformed at room temperature and the solution was cycled with a pump. Results showed that more than 99 percent of Cu was recovered and the size of the recovered Cu powder ranges from 0.1 - $0.5mu extrm{m}$. The chemical composition of the Cu powder mainly consists of $Cu_2$O and Cu and can be easily reduced to pure Cu powder.


Polarization measurement;Electroplating;Waste rinse water;Cu powder;Cu$_2$O;